Fish Shooting Gun with Hole – A weapon trusted by many players on PHCITY. It gives you quality equipment and more confidence when participating in fish shooting. Let’s learn more about this gun and effective gun usage strategies.

Fish Shooting Gun – Favorite Boss Hunting Tool
Fish Shooting Gun – Favorite Boss Hunting Tool

What is a Fish Shooting Gun?

The fish shooting gun is a weapon that can shoot normal bullets with extremely strong attack and speed. This is the most sought-after and popular weapon in every fish shooting game for rewards.

To take advantage of this gun, players must pay attention to managing the remaining bullets and reloading time. In each round, you only have a fixed amount of bullets and when you use them all up, the gun will automatically reload after a set period of time. Therefore, you need to consider carefully before shooting all the bullets so as not to miss the opportunity to shoot high-value fish.

What is a Fish Shooting Gun?
What is a Fish Shooting Gun?

Bullets for PHCITY top hole fish shooting gun

If you want to use a gun to shoot fish with holes, bullets also play a necessary role. This is the deciding factor in the effectiveness of each shot and can also be upgraded to increase the power level.

Bullets for PHCITY top hole fish shooting gun
Bullets for PHCITY top hole fish shooting gun

Regular bullets

Regular bullets are the most familiar type of bullet in PHCITY casino, making it easier for players to hunt fish. This is a basic bullet that only causes standard damage without any special effects.

Using regular bullets for a fish gun with a hole is very simple, just aim at the target and shoot. You will always get maximum efficiency, because this gun has its own operating mechanism and it will work better with regular bullets due to their special design and features.

Special bullets

In the current PHCITY fish shooting lobby, there are a few special bullets below:

  • Explosive Bullet: It has the ability to explode when it hits a fish, causing damage to surrounding fish.
  • Freeze Bullet: Causes fish to freeze when hit, making them move slower than normal.
  • Extermination bullet: This bullet has a very special feature, when it hits each fish, the bullet will kill it immediately without having to shoot too many times

Once you have combined the fish gun with these special bullets, players will easily destroy all the big fish and earn quite a lot of points. The thing to note is that using special bullets is often more expensive than regular bullets. Therefore, you need to calculate carefully before using to ensure optimal cost and achieve maximum efficiency in each shot.

Strategy of using a gun to shoot fish with a purposeful hole

If you want to play effectively and get high scores in this game, using a fish shooting gun with holes depends on each situation and you must have a clear strategy. Below are some suggestions to help you make better use of the gun:

Strategy of using a gun to shoot fish with a purposeful hole
Strategy of using a gun to shoot fish with a purposeful hole

Use regular bullets for guns when

Hunting small and medium sized fish in PHCITY fish shooting, you need meticulousness and the ability to control this weapon accurately. Choosing the right bullets for each situation will help you bring about remarkable progress in your gaming performance.

You must use regular bullets in a flexible way, focusing on fish with high score values. This will help you have enough gaming skills and be more skillful when using this type of gun.

Use special bullets for the gun when

Players face big and difficult to kill fish, taking advantage of the fish gun with holes and special bullets is a very good strategy, it will help you quickly hunt big fish. This will help you save more costs.

Since your goal is to get high scores and climb the ranks quickly when shooting fish slots for rewards, using this combination is a smart and effective strategy. Instead of having to shoot multiple times with regular bullets, this gun combined with special bullets allows you to destroy all fish comprehensively.

Combining guns and bullets intelligently, the members above will use that maximum to develop their abilities and achieve the best results in each game. Choosing the bullet combination in each situation will enhance your own hunting talent.

See more: Goldfish Shooting – The Most Popular Entertainment Game


If you want to learn more about the fish shooting gun with holes at the website, you can visit the official website or search for information from many sources of the platform. Because a lot of content on this issue will be updated by the house for those who want to search.